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why does Ace Aquatics have the best lifeguards in the industry?
Ace Lifeguards receive:
Great Wages & Bonus Incentives
Discounted Training with payroll deduction option
Flexible Hours And Multiple Locations To
Choose From
Experienced Support Team
What are some of the benefits of working for Ace Aquatics?
Work with friends
Learn Valuable Life Skills
STEM Program Internships
employee testimonials
What are the requirements?
You do not have to be an Olympic swimmer in order to lifeguard, but you do need to be able to perform the following required swimming skills in order to receive your lifeguard certtification:
1-minute Tread
You must be able to tread water, without using your hands, for 1-minute while keeping your head above water at all times.
200 yard swim
You must be able to swim 200 yards, using either freestyle or breaststroke, while keeping your head above water.
Brick Dive
You must be able to go to the bottom of the pool and retrieve a 10-pound brick with your hands and return it to the surface.
If you want to be a lifeguard, but aren’t sure if you can complete the requirements or would like a little time to practice with instructors, we have a few Lifeguard Training Preparation classes you are welcome to attend. These classes are free of charge and are led by a lifeguard training instructor to help you pass the required skills. In order to register please click the button below to contact our Training Director.