repair and renovation
Whether your pool is in need of minor repairs, complete renovation or simple preventative maintenance, our full-service repair and renovation division has the experience and manpower to provide:
Complete pool renovation and minor repairs
Regular preventative maintenance programs
Capital improvement budgeting
Pre-season and post-season facility inspections
Fully equipped on-call service fleet
All Ace Aquatics service technicians are professionally trained and APSP certified. Recognizing the importance of staying current with technological advances, Ace technicians continually further their knowledge and skills by attending annual educational and training seminars.
Ace maintains a fully stocked warehouse facility to ensure prompt and immediate repairs. In addition, Ace service crews are available year around and are on the road 7 days a week during the pool season to solve all of your pool problems. With more than twenty years of experience, all work is guaranteed and performed to the highest standards of the industry.
We will bring your aging pool back to brand new!
From minor repairs to major, our fully stocked service crew can complete any task.
Detailed services include:
Motor Repair
Filter System Replacement
Filter sand changes
Pool safety-cover installation
New pool furniture / Re-strapping
Chemical supplies
Bathroom flooring systems
Heater repair and installation
Deck equipment
Summerization / Winterization
Winter Preventative Maintenance Program
Pool redesign and renovation
Resurfacing / Marblelite
Coping and tile replacement
Complete pool plumbing replacement
Deck replacement & repair
Leak detection and repair
VGB main drain installation
Skimmer replacement
Pump replacement